HomeGOLDMinelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils

Minelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils

Is it a Quasi GPX5000 or What’s the Point?

Minelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils is it a good fit?

We purchased a new Coiltek 14×9 mono coil to use and test on one of our Minelab SDC2300 detectors. 

Udo and I have been testing and using it for a few months. Here is a video of that testing

Minelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils – A Video Review

Why Would you Want to Lose the Benefits of  an SDC2300 by Adding a Larger Coil?

The benefits we see lost are:

  • The Minelab SDC2300 is a very compact and portable machine when folded. Adding a coil like this you lose that  benefit.
  • The SDC2300 machine is dynamite on small gold close to the coil – that is what it’s designed for! If you want more power (depth) then the Minelab 5000 is a better machine.
  • The new Coiltek coils are not as sensitive as the standard SDC2300 coil. Certainly not the 14×9 that we tested.
  • There is a measure of difficulty fitting the new coils and you lose waterproofing.
  •  The machine is heavier!
  • Warranty Issues. Here is a statement from Minelab about warranty extracted from the internet:


Recently, Coiltek has introduced aftermarket coils that can be retrofitted to the SDC 2300. These have been developed independently of Minelab and Minelab has not had any involvement with these coils. Minelab cannot and does not provide any information or support regarding the use of these coils. Minelab does not guarantee the SDC 2300’s performance when used in conjunction with these coils.

The SDC is manufactured by Minelab in a standard configuration designed to be robust and offering easy to use high performance; any changes to the product may alter its performance. Further, such modifications may materially impact the ability of Minelab to support and warrant your SDC 2300. The SDC 2300 is not designed for changing coils nor for use with other coil sizes and specifically any damage which is assessed by Minelab or its Authorised Service Centres (ASCs) as having resulted from such modification will not be covered by the Minelab warranty.

All Minelab detectors are engineered in Australia, manufactured to exacting standards in ISO 9001/2000 quality accredited facilities, and backed by up to defined transferable warranties. Review the full Minelab warranty period, terms and conditions on our website.”

Picture of The Minelab SDC2300 With Coiltek Coils

Minelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils

We do not believe the Minelab SDC2300 Coiltek Coils are a good investment for people that have purchased the SDC2300 for the purposes it was originally designed.

Which are:

  • Sensitivity to small gold.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • Portability. Foldable, Compact.
  • Waterproof.
  • Lightweight.

Link to Coiltek Video 

Here is a link to the Coiltek Page that has the video about how to install the Coiltek coils on the SDC2300 if you want to see the process.

Link to Coiltek Home Page with Video on Fitting the New Coils to a SDC2300

Tell Others What  You Think about the New Coils?

What is Your Experience Using the Coiltek Coils on the SDC2300?

Some love using the new Coiltek Coils on the SDC2300 others hate it?

What is your experience? Tell Everyone here.

What Other Visitors Have Said

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11” gold extreme  Not rated yet
Fitted the 11” gold extreme to the wife’s SDC.
We live in Chidlow and wanted to test the coil before we return to the goldfields.
We took it to the …

Sd2300 with Coiltek Bigger Coil Not rated yet
Compared 2300 with the 2 coils in a similar way as the video and found the same result.
I have found a lot of gold with my 2300 and I can say …

11 inch round on sdc2300 fail Not rated yet
I bought the 11 inch round to try and get a bit move coverage quickly.
1. Slightly noisier on same ground and similar settings.
2. Had to swing it …

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